Milton the Money Savvy Pup
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“Wonderful gift”

This would be a wonderful gift for babysitters, schools, libraries, teaching programs, ESL programs, children's hospitals, dental and medical waiting rooms, banks and other financial institutions, etc.

Pamela Miller" 

“Saving like Milton”

My 4-year old loves this book and has started talked about "Saving like Milton." A great book to work on instilling the value of money at an early age!

Shawna D.

“Relatable and fun”

I bought this book for my nephew who is learning about coins and how to identify a quarter, a dime, etc. He is also learning that you use money to buy things and that it is something you save. He has 2 dogs so this book was perfect for this and Milton makes this new chapter of learning relatable and fun!

Heather A.


Meet the Books


milton the money savvy pup: brings home the bacon

Milton learns to count the coins in his piggy bank and quickly learns that sometimes you have to wait and save to get what you want.

goodnight milton

When it’s time to wind down after a fun and busy day, join Milton the Corgi on his journey to bed. His nighttime routine includes tucking in farm animals, taking a bath and recounting all the things he was thankful for today.

milton the money savvy pup: makes saving a habit

Milton has a co-worker who does something cool with her money. Instead of spending it right away, she splits up her earnings between what she will GIVE, what she will SAVE, and what she will SPEND.